UCF’s 'U Can't Finish' Rumor Revealed

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(UCF student paper)
UCF has acquired many nicknames during its 50 years in operation, but one name in particular carries true beyond words: “U Can’t Finish.” Numbers from the 2007-2008 cohort show 63 percent of UCF students took six years to graduate — that’s about three out of every five students — and 35 percent graduated in four years, according to the most recent annual accountability report provided by UCF. … The numbers are not optimistic, with less than half of the UCF student population graduating on the four-year track, but that percentage is higher than the national average, which stands at 31 percent, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education. Also, when compared to peer Florida public colleges, UCF is ranked No. 4 overall, behind the University of Florida, Florida State University and New College of Florida.