Students have a resource for math, science help

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- by Jim DeLa

If a student is having trouble with almost any math or science course, there’s a place they can go to get help.
The Quantitative Resource Center, in the Jane Bancroft Cook Library, is staffed by a small army of upper-level students, ready to lend a hand to fellow Novos struggling with chemistry, physics, math, computer science or statistics.
Duff Cooper, an adjunct assistant professor of quantitative methods, is the center’s director. He says while his tutors are well versed in lots of subjects, “We see more students for math than anything else. Math is notorious,” he said.
Cooper says the center, on average, helps a couple of hundred individual students over the course of a year. “We had about 1,000 individual sessions,” last year.
While the center helps everyone from first-years to fourth-years, Cooper says he’d like to make sure newer students know help is available. “For first-years, it’s important they know this resource is here,” he said. “We want to provide support.”
Cooper said the toughest thing about promoting the QRC is getting students in the center. After students see what’s available, they keep coming back. “It’s a nice place to hang out.”
Cooper has been teaching for 15 years, and in information technology for 10 years before that. He’s been at New College for more than a decade.
While his student tutors are working, Cooper does consulting with thesis students and others doing advanced work. “It’s all about research design,” he said.
Once classes begin, the center will be open 2-8 p.m. Monday-Thursdays, and 2-6 p.m. on Fridays. After a student connects with a tutor, they can set their own schedules.
— Jim DeLa is digital content specialist at New College of Florida.