Recapping the Recap Quartet Performance

The members include: Arlene Acevedo, Alexis Carter, Tiahna Sterling and Aline Vasquez Martinez. The musicians have been together as a group since high school and their musical talent strengthened alongside their friendship. The name Recap comes from the idea of “recapping the memories and accomplishments we have achieved together.” Along with representing friendship, they hope to inspire people to pursue their goals and dreams.
New College’s educational experience encourages students to follow their passions and even combine them at times. Recap is a perfect example of how to combine several passions, and the success that can follow.
Acevedo is a 21-year-old student at Middlesex County College, working toward a career as a dental hygienist. Carter is a 21-year-old student at Rutgers University, pursuing a career as a physician’s assistant in plastic surgery. Sterling is a 20-year-old student at Montclair State University, studying music therapy and psychology. Martinez is 21 and working toward a business law career.
The group’s debut album, Count to Five, was released in 2021 and has been on NPR’s Top 10 “Classical Albums of the Year” and “Top 100 Songs of the Year” lists. The group represents the ability to choose to follow your dreams, and the idea that one should not be limited to a future following a singular interest. There is room in life to take both paths.
Speaking of dreams, that’s exactly what the performance felt like. The stage and performers were highlighted in pink and blue. The choreographed movements and the music that followed created a hauntingly beautiful scene that repeated throughout the show. The group captured the audience’s attention immediately and held it for the rest of the performance.
The songs performed included Hold by Lainie Fefferman, Moving Through Fog by Hannah Boissonneault, Hammers by Allison Loggins-Hull, by the time we look for it by Jenny Beck, Count to Five by Angélica Negrón, moi toute seule by Mahak Sadeghzadeh, and Drip by Sage Shurman. This includes several “found percussion” pieces, where the instruments used are nontraditional. For example, Recap used wine glasses, fans, newspaper, playing cards, chairs and bubble wrap. The result was intriguing and beautiful music that piqued the listeners’ curiosity. The creativity used for the group’s music was inspirational.
When asked about advice they would give students studying music with similar goals, the musicians said to never give up and don’t listen to people discouraging you. They are truly a group that will go far in the music industry and encourage others to follow their example.
New Music New College has several performances coming up:
In C Artist Conversation, PepsiCo Arcade
Thurs. Nov 17 5 p.m.
Inside In C, PepsiCo Arcade
Sat. Nov 19 8 p.m. |
Kathleen Supove Artist Conversation, Mildred Sainer Pavilion
Thurs. Jan 12 5 p.m.
Kathleen Supove, Mildred Sainer Pavilion
Sat. Jan 14 8 p.m. |
Frankenstein Artist Conversation, ACE Lounge
Thurs. March 2 5 p.m. |
It’s Alive! A Monstrous Circus on Frankenstein, Koski Plaza
Thurs. March 4 8 p.m. |
Pamela Z Artist Conversation, Club Sudakoff Thurs. April 27 5 p.m. |
Pamela Z, Club Sudakoff Sat. April 29 8 p.m. |
Learn more about Recap Quartet on Instagram and Spotify.
Learn more and purchase tickets for New Music New College (free to attend with NCF ID, artist conversations are free to all):