New College Hosts Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition from January 21 to March 11

The New College of Florida Art Department is pleased to present the 2022 Juried Student Art Exhibition from January 21 to March 11 in the Isermann Gallery.
Students draw upon a range of academic influences, inspiring compelling and distinct artworks that explore diverse topics through varied modes of production.
This year’s exhibition features paintings, drawings and sculptures by New College students Hannah Barker, Liz Barker, Sarah Leah Borodiansky, Emma Curtis, Precious Darling, Zory Fahringer, Lianna Mcdonald, Jay Murphy, Susu Mustafa, Hannah Porter Payton Sherer, Cora Van Vleet and Kiara Vazquez-Valentin.
This year’s juror is Architecture Sarasota Executive Director Anne-Marie Russell, who served as the inaugural executive director of the Sarasota Art Museum from 2019 to 2021.
Before coming to Sarasota, Russell helped develop a unique graduate program in critical connoisseurship and museology at Christies in New York City, served as executive director and chief curator for the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tucson, and taught at the University of Arizona.
She received a B.A. in cultural anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an M.A. in Art History from the University of Arizona.
This year’s event sponsor is Art & Frame of Sarasota. Support for the event is provided by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
The event is free and open to the public. The gallery is open from noon to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.
For more information on the art program at New College, visit