New College Foundation Elects Three Trustees

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- by New College News


New College Foundation, Inc. has announced the election of three individuals to its Board of Trustees.  The Foundation raises funds to support New College of Florida, the state’s designated honors college, ranked among the country’s finest and most affordable liberal arts institutions.

Alumnus John Hansen, ’76, was elected to a three-year term. He served on the Board previously, from 1992-98.  Hansen works for Hitachi Consulting in San Francisco as the director of its National Financial Services Consulting Practice. He was founder of John L. Hansen & Associates/Brand Imperatives, a company that provided strategic consulting services to the senior management of banks and technology firms.  After graduating from New College with a BA in economics in 1982, he obtained an MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.

Alumna Chelsey Lora, ’05, was elected to serve as Alumni Trustee for a one-year term.  Lora was selected from a group of three highly qualified graduating students.  After obtaining her B.A. in Sociology in May 2009, she earned a Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate through the Chester School of English (Trinity College London) in Madrid.  In Sarasota, she has assisted clients with legal issues at Legal Aid of Manasota and has been interning at SRQ Media Group. Lora is currently taking classes online through the distinguished UCLA Professional Program in Screenwriting, and is applying to MFA programs in screenwriting to a long list of schools throughout the country.  She also volunteers at Habitat for Humanity.

Lieutenant General Rolland V. Heiser (Ret.) who was the designated New College Board of Trustees representative to serve on the Foundation Board, has rotated off the College Board and was elected back to the Foundation Board for a three-year term.  He has been a Trustee Emeritus since retiring as president of the Foundation in 2003 after 24 years in that post, following a highly successful 32-year career in the United States Army.  Under his leadership, New College Foundation helped bring over $100 million to the New College of Florida campus in the form of direct support, endowment, construction of new facilities and land acquisition.  In 2001, he played a prominent role in obtaining legislation to make New College of Florida an independent entity within the State University System.

The mission of New College Foundation is to provide enhancement funding to enable New College of Florida to deliver an individualized liberal arts and sciences education and prepare its graduates to assume leadership roles in scholarly, civic, artistic and commercial endeavors. In addition to contributing general funds, the Foundation funds faculty chairs and professorships, faculty development, student scholarships and student academic research.  More information is available at

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