New College Earns Recognition From Heritage Foundation as a Great Option for Higher Education

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- by New College Communications

SARASOTA, Fla. — New College has been recognized by the Heritage Foundation as a “great option” for students seeking a university that promotes freedom, opportunity, and upward mobility, while fostering free expression and open academic inquiry. The study conducted by the Heritage Foundation evaluated hundreds of schools from around the U.S., sorting them into categories of “great options,” “worth considering,” and “not recommended.”

New College was one of only two schools in Florida to receive the top evaluation, and only a select few public universities across the country joined New College on the list. Among the traits the project’s research team noted were the prioritization of maintaining an atmosphere conducive to free expression, while offering both academic excellence and ideological balance.

The recognition was lauded by New College President Richard Corcoran as evidence the College is succeeding in creating an atmosphere focused on free speech and civil discourse. “New College is grateful to receive this recognition, and we’ve worked hard to earn it by creating a dynamic educational experience filled with critical thinking and devoid of indoctrination. Free expression and civil discourse are demonstrated on a daily basis in our classrooms, around our campus, and in our public events, most notably the Socratic Stage Dialogue Series.”

While New College was one of the highlights for public higher education, Florida also received the top grade on the Heritage Foundation’s K-12 report card, demonstrating the state’s overall commitment to educational freedom.

The recognition from the Heritage Foundation is the latest in a string of recent accolades bestowed on New College, including recognition as a “Best Value College” by The Princeton Review and the top slot among public universities in Washington Monthly’s ranking of top liberal arts schools.

Caption: An image of the Heritage Foundation’s color-coded data visualization, noting New College in green as a “great option” for students.