NCF Assistant Professor Ryan Buyssens featured in “Enmeshed” at South Bend Museum of Art explores digital influences

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- by Yahoo News

From Yahoo News, February 6, 2022

SOUTH BEND — An art exhibit with eight pieces at the South Bend Museum of Art explores how digital art and the reliance on technology alters our experience of the world. On display through April 3, it draws on works by seven artists, titled “Enmeshed: Our Changing Relationship With Space and Time in a World of Digital Interdependence.”

It’s organized by Thomas Cornell, teaching scholar in the art, art history and design department at the University of Notre Dame. Among the pieces:

A large digital print, “Agriiborz,” created in 2009 by European artist Nick Ervinck, looks like a 3D tangle of black and gold arteries, but you get the mixed sense of a cyborg, plants and animals.

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