Florida artist (NCF Alum Constance Sartor) adds mural to Bonehenge Whale Center in Beaufort, SC

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- by Carolinacoastonline . com

Marine biologist and self-taught artist Constance Sartor has created something new at the Bonehenge Whale Center in Beaufort.
While the facility is still closed to the public, Ms. Sartor worked on a mural inside the building that depicts a mother Cuvier’s beaked whale and her calf.
Ms. Sartor, of Florida, is an undergraduate student at the University of Guam studying coral reef genetics.  She started studying science six years ago and has been working on art as a hobby for most of her life.
Ms. Sartor started the mural Tuesday and said she was excited to bring the project to life at Bonehenge.  “It falls in perfectly with what I like to do,” she said. “I love any opportunity to blend science and art together.”
According to Lee Moore Crawford, an artist and volunteer at Bonehenge who was responsible for bringing Ms. Sartor to the area, the hope of adding the mural to the site will inspire marine conservation efforts.
Read the entire story here.