About Us
NCF Community Standards
Email: communitystandards@ncf.edu
Office Location: Hamilton Classroom 3
Please click the following link to view the student code of conduct
6-3005 Student Code of Conduct
Conduct Process
This section outlines the Student Conduct Process. Also, refer to the Student Code of Conduct for specifications of each process.
Other Policies
Housing Policies and regulations: Housing Department
Alcohol Policy: 6-3004 Alcohol and Other Drugs
As New College regulations and their implementation are subject to applicable law and Florida Board of Governors (“BOG”) regulations, New College will comply with Florida Statute 1004.097 Free expression on campus and BOG Regulation 6.0105 Student Conduct and Discipline, as amended and effective July 1, 2021. The Student Code of Conduct is expected to be amended to incorporate this new law by the end of 2021. In the meantime, any provision within this Regulation that conflicts or is not compliant with the above referenced law and regulation shall be held invalid; instead, New College incorporates by reference all requirements of BOG Regulation 6.0105 and Florida Statute 1004.097, as amended.