The anthropology program of NCF invites you to attend a talk given by Dr. Maranda Kles on bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology.
Dr. Maranda Kles will discuss her examination of skeleton from both the past and the present, touching on not only what we can tell from the skeletal remains themselves, but also what we can tell from how they were buried (or disposed of). Biological distance analysis, burial patterns, the misplace and the murdered.
Maranda Kles is a Sarasota native. She earned her degrees in Anthropology from the University of Florida. Her primary focus was forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology. Her dissertation research focused on evaluating biological relationships as expressed in cranial remains in comparison to archaeological cultures to evaluate relationships and gene flow patterns. Maranda was also a death investigator and an autopsy technician. She taught at University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the University of Florida; she is now the Vice President of Archaeological Consultants, Inc. She brings her varied education and experience to the analysis of human remains in both forensic and archaeological contexts.
ACE 217 & On Zoom
Zoom Registration Link: https://ncf.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwpfuqsrj4tEtaLbE-j-2i5W4BU8mFzXITq
For questions, please contact Professor Yidong Gong [email protected]