Dr. Tiago Perez

Assistant Professor of Data Science


Phone Number

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HNS 214


HNS 214


Office or Division

Data Science | Applied Data Science Graduate Program


Ph.D., University of Colorado Colorado Springs B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Tiago Perez joined New College in August 2021 as part of the Data Science program. Previously, Dr. Perez was an Assistant Professor at Drew University and Instructor at UCCS. His research interests include big data analytics, distributed systems and computer security.

Before joining academia, he worked almost 9 years in the IT industry, with infrastructure projects, SOA, middleware and development support at both Serasa Experian and BM&FBovespa in Brazil.

Recent Courses

Algorithms for Data Science
Distributed Systems for Data Science
Ethics in Data Science
Databases for Data Science

Selected Publications

Tiago B. G. Perez, Xiaobo Zhou, Liu Liu and Zhijun Ding. “Bottleneck-aware Task Scheduling Based on Per-Stage and Multi-ML Profiling” Proc. of the 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Zhangjiajie, China, August 2019.

Tiago B. G. Perez, Xiaobo Zhou, and Dazhao Cheng. “Reference-distance Eviction and Prefetching for Cache Management in Spark.” Proc. of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), ACM 10 pages, Eugene, OR, August 2018.

Tiago B. G. Perez, Wei Chen, Raymong Ji, Liu Liu and Xiaobo Zhou. “PETS: Bottleneck-Aware Spark Tuning with Parameter Ensembles.” Proc. Of the 27th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN). IEEE 9 pages, Hangzhou, China, July 2018.