Dr. Tarron Khemraj

Professor of Economics and International Studies

William and Marie Selby Chair


Phone Number

Email Address



College Hall 207


CHL 207

Don’t lock yourself into a major in high school.

New College provides the flexibility to help students combine majors, especially those that give personal fulfillment (such as the classics) and relatively higher high-paying majors.

The flexible educational model.

New College offers students the opportunity to engage in independent tutorials, allowing them to explore a subject matter in greater depth than what is typically covered in a regular course.

The Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner

“Monetary aspects of the Dutch disease” (co-author: Collin Constantine)

“Political pressure and central bank monetization: ‘Dutch Disease’ and central bank
monetization” (co-author: Collin Constantine)

“The untold story of the Dutch disease: revisiting patient zero” (with Collin Constantine)

“A long shadow of history: the colonial origins of high cost infrastructure” (Co-
author: Gavin Ooft).

Journal articles:
2024 “Dominant currency shocks and foreign exchange pressure in the periphery.”
Review of Keynesian Economics, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (co-author: Aleksandr Gevorkyan)

2024 “Structural change and sectoral interconnectedness in two resource-
abundant economies. Resources Policy, Vol. 88, January (co-author: Sukrishnalall Pasha)

2023 “Inflation dynamics and quantitative easing.” Eastern Economic Journal, Vol.
49, September (co-author: Sherry Yu)

2022 “Central bank securities and foreign exchange market intervention in a developing economy.” Review of Development Economics, Vol. 26 (1) (co-author Eli Direye)

2021 “Two ethnic security dilemmas: a political economy channel of the natural
resource curse.” Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 70 (3 & 4)

Applied Economics; Applied Economics Letters; Brazilian Journal of Political
Economy; Central Bank of Barbados Economic Review; Economic Analysis and
Policy; Economic Modelling; Economic Systems; Emerging Market Finance and
Trade; Emerging Markets Review; European Journal of Development Research;
Finance Research Letters; International Journal of Finance and Economics;
International Review of Applied Economics; Journal of Business, Finance and
Economics in Emerging Economies; Journal of Developing Areas; Journal of
Economic Studies; Metroeconomica; New School Economic Review; Open
Economies Review; Research in International Business and Finance, Review of
Development Economics; Review of Keynesian Economics; Revista de Ciencia
Politica; Social and Economic Studies; Transition; World Development; World
Development Sustainability

2008 Served as a reviewer for Wiley publisher (Reviewer of W. Enders’ Applied
Econometric Time Series)

2023 “Foreign exchange shortage in a booming economy: a paradox of plenty?”
Stabroek News, Sunday Business Review, September 24.

2023 “Dollarization for Guyana? Stabroek News, July 23.

2023 “De-dollarization: is it real? Stabroek News, July 2.

2023 “Back to the future: gold in international reserves as a new stabilizer (again!)
of exchange rate systems.” SUERF Policy Brief, No 604, June, The European
Money and Finance Forum (co-author: A. V. Gevorkyan)

2022 “Macroeconomic issues relating to the large early withdrawal from the NRF.”
Stabroek News, Sunday Business Review, January 16.