Criminal Activity Reports
Criminal Activity Reports are posted for the current and past three years. They include Clery Crimes only. Posting of the reports may be delayed. Questions should be directed to the NCF/USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus Police department, [email protected].
01/06/25, 5:15 PM. Campus Police received a report of a theft of a bicycle from the area of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library. The incident is under investigation.
01/9/2024 2:22 AM Campus Police located two NCF students on the Z Residence Hall balcony in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. The case remains under investigation.
01/9/2024 1:12 PM Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a theft from a vehicle parked at 950 University Parkway. Due to a lack of evidence, this case is inactive.
01/12/2024 8:36 PM Campus Police located a suspicious vehicle parked in an employee-only spot at the Hyatt Place. The vehicle had a strong odor of suspected marijuana coming from in or around it. After a brief consensual encounter, suspected marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and a fictitious driver license were confiscated.
01/27/2024 7:23 PM Campus Police stopped a vehicle on North Tamiami Trail at Beverly Drive for a traffic violation. The non-affiliated driver was found to be in possession of a felony amount of marijuana and was transported to the Sarasota County Jail.
02/7/2024 12:17 PM Campus Police received a report from a New College of Florida student who stated that their bicycle was stolen from the Hyatt Hotel, 950 University Pkwy, Sarasota. The victim declined to prosecute or pursue charges.
02/20/2024 9:36 AM Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a bicycle theft from Hyatt Place Hotel. The victim signed a waiver of prosecution.
02/29/2024 10:31 PM Campus Police received a report from an NCF Student of a stolen bicycle from V Residence Hall. The report is under investigation.
03/4/2024 7:46 PM Campus Police stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. Investigation revealed that the non-affiliated driver had a suspended driver’s license and the vehicle registration was expired. The driver was issued a warning for the violation and traffic citations for the suspended license and expired tag. The driver was found to be in possession of marijuana and possession of narcotic paraphernalia.
03/8/2024 1:35 PM Campus Police received a report of a theft from a NCF student at Dort Residence Hall.
03/11/2024 3:47 AM Campus Police located a suspicious vehicle parked near the Chiller Plant. A NCF student was in the driver’s seat and was found to be in possession of suspected marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia. No charges were filed.
04/25/2024 1:53 PM Campus Police received a report from a Metz employee of a theft at Hamilton Center.
05/5/2024 12:04 AM Campus Police observed a motor vehicle parked partially in the roadway on Edwards Drive. The investigation revealed that the non-affiliated driver had inhaled harmful chemicals within the last hour. The subject was placed under a Marchman Act and transported to a local medical facility. After being medically cleared, the subject was transported to the Sarasota County Jail where he was booked in for Inhaling Harmful Chemical Substances. The subject was also under a Pre-Trial program out of Lee County and wearing an ankle monitor. Charges out of Lee County are pending due to violations of pre-trial conditions.
05/29/2024 9:20 AM Campus Police received a criminal mischief report from a Tandem Construction employee. The investigation revealed that a construction fence at the NCF bayfront was damaged.
06/8/2024 7:28 AM Campus Police received a report from a NCF staff member of a burglary at Palmer Building B. Miscellaneous items were located in a vacant room. The incident was investigated and determined a burglary did not occur. The case is inactive.
06/28/2024 1:36 AM Campus Police received a report of a criminal mischief at the Home2 Suites. Upon arrival, officers found evidence of what appeared to be a disturbance in the lobby and elevator. The incident was investigated and the hotel staff declined to press charges.
09/05/24, 7:43 PM: Campus Police received a report from a New College of Florida student that their bicycle was stolen from the bike rack located at the Academic Center Plaza (ACE).
09/06/24, 9:28 PM: Campus Police responded to the Hamilton Student Center for a disturbance. The presumed Non-Affiliates that were causing the disturbance were gone upon arrival and unable to be located. The investigation revealed that they also took food items without paying. This incident is under investigation.
09/20/24, 5:28 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of criminal mischief in the area of Caples Carriage House.
09/20/24, 9:59 PM: Campus Police received a report of possible drug use in the north parking lot of USF Sarasota Manatee Campus.
Campus Police located three NCF Students who were in possession of a small amount of marijuana. No charges were filed. A copy of the report was sent to Student Affairs.
10/04/24, 6:25 PM: Campus Police recived a report of criminal mischief from a NCF student. The student reported damage to her vehicle which had been parked near the Physical Plant gate.
10/20/24, 6: 15 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of personal property missing from her on campus dorm room. The matter remains under investigation.
10/24/24, 10:21 PM: Campus Police received a report of graffiti in the area of Goldstein Residence Hall. The matter is under investigation. A work order was submitted.
11/03/24, 9:44 AM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF Student of unwanted indirect contact from a former boyfriend. The report is currently under investigation.
11/07/24, 2:47 PM: Campus Police received a report from an NCF Staff member of a fraudulent check received. The matter was documented and is under investigation.
11/09/24, 1:56 AM: Campus Police observed an individual walk behind 567 Parkview Drive. This location is known by CPD to be unoccupied, two non-affiliated individuals were found in the rear of the home. The individuals were found to be in possession of a controlled substance and transported to the Sarasota County jail without incident.
11/20/24, 12:56 PM: Campus Police received a report from an NCF staff member of criminal mischief at Goldstein Residence Hall. Campus Police located graffiti drawn with spray paint on the building. PHS was contacted to remove the graffiti. Investigation is ongoing.
11/20/24, 3:43 PM: Campus Police received a report from USFSM Security regarding a petit theft at Atala Hall. Investigation revealed an NCF student removed items from Quick Eats without paying for the items on two separate occasions. The victim declined to prosecute.
11/21/24, 4:54 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF Student of a sexual battery that occurred on the NCF campus. The investigation is ongoing.
11/21/24, 4:54 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of an assault that allegedly occurred on the NCF campus. The matter is under investigation.
12/18/24, 7:30 AM: Campus Police observed graffiti on an exterior wall of Hamilton Student Center (5850 General Dougher Place). A work order was submitted to have the graffiti removed.
12/31/24, 12:32 PM: Campus Police received a report of a possible fraudulent use of an employees bank account. The incident is under investigation.
01/04/23 7:29 PM: Campus Police received a report of theft from two NCF students. The subjects stated that their bicycles were stolen from the area of PEI 2nd Court.
01/10/23 1:19 PM: Campus Police received a report of theft from a NCF student. The subject stated that their bicycle was stolen from the area of the NCF Bike Shop.
01/11/23 4:44 PM: Campus Police received a report from a non-affiliate of a suspicious incident in Parking Lot 5. Investigation revealed a catalytic converter theft occurred involving an NCF faculty member.
01/23/23 8:56 PM: Campus Police received a report of theft from a NCF student. The subject stated that an electric scooter was stolen from the area of Y Residence Hall.
01/24/23 6:29 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF staff member of a threatening email.
01/26/23 11:00 AM: Campus Police received a report of a theft from a NCF student. The subject stated that a bicycle was stolen from the area of PEI 3rd Court.
02/13/23 5:13 PM: Campus Police responded to a report of an overdose. The non affiliated subject was located and was evaluated by EMS. The subject refused transport to a medical facility. The subject was found to be possession of an illegal substance and drug paraphernalia and had a warrant out of Sarasota County. The subject was transported to the Sarasota County Jail.
02/19/23 3:28 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a bicycle theft at Goldstein Residence Hall.
02/24/23 1:52 AM: Campus Police responded to a report of a possible battery and harassment.
02/27/23 6:13 PM: Campus Police responded to a report of a battery that occurred near PEI 1st Court. Campus Police investigation yielded the arrest of an NCF student for aggravated battery.
05/01/23 3:31 PM: Campus Police received a report of theft from a NCF student. The subject stated their bicycle was stolen from the area of College Hall.
05/14/23 2:00 AM: Campus Police received a report of a bicycle theft from a NCF student. The student stated that their bicycle was stolen from the area of PEI 1st Court.
05/14/23 10:01 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student regarding the theft of a bike from Z Residence Hall.
05/15/23 12:42 PM: Campus Police documented a battery that occurred after an event in College Hall involving a NCF student and an NCF Board of Trustee member.
05/18/23 12:39 PM: Campus Police received a report of a theft from a NCF student. The student stated that their bicycle was stolen from the area of Z Residence Hall.
05/22/23 11:35 AM: Campus Police conducted a traffic stop in the area of College Drive and Tamiami Trail. The non-affiliated subject was found to be in possession of marijuana.
05/24/23 9:30 AM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a burglary at Z Residence Hall.
06/14/23 10:54 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a theft from Z Residence Hall. The matter was documented.
06/29/23 8:57 AM: Campus Police received a report of a battery that occurred between two contractors hired by NCF. Upon police arrival, the alleged suspect had already left campus. The victim declined to prosecute.
07/04/23 2:13 AM: Campus Police located a suspicious person near General Spaatz Blvd. The non-affiliate advised he was waiting for an uber driver and left the area. It was later determined that the same subject unlawfully entered the Hamilton Center.
7/30/2023 10:03 PM Campus Police located two non-affiliated subjects in the Sudakoff parking lot. The investigation revealed a domestic battery occurred between the two non-affiliated subjects. One subject was arrested for Domestic Battery and transported to the Sarasota County Jail.
9/9/2023 12:41 AM Campus Police received a report from a NCF staff member of a disturbance involving NCF students. Investigation revealed that a battery occurred in the area of the overpass. The victims declined to prosecute. NCF Pro Staff responded to the scene and the students were separated for the remainder of the night.
9/18/2023 4:05 PM Campus Police received a report of a theft of signs that were placed throughout campus. The signs were owned and placed around campus by a NCF student who is running for a student government position. The investigation revealed that most of the signs have been returned. The investigation remains open at this time.
9/26/2023 10:35 AM Campus Police received a report of a theft from a NCF student. The student stated that their bicycle was stolen from the area of Home2Suites.
9/28/2023 6:47 PM Campus Police received a report from a New College student regarding the theft of his locked bicycle from the bike rack located near Z Residence Hall. The bicycle was entered into the nationwide database.
9/29/2023 6:22 PM 092923, 6:22 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of criminal mischief in the area of Z Residence Hall. The student reported damage to a bicycle.
10/3/2023 4:17 PM Campus Police responded to a report from an NCF staff member of a subject seen placing unknown stickers on campus property. Investigation revealed dozens of stickers located on NCF property campus-wide.
10/6/2023 9:08 AM Campus Police received a report of criminal mischief from a NCF staff member. A sign owned by NCF had been damaged on the overpass.
10/21/2023 5:00 AM Campus Police located a non-affiliated subject on the patio at the Hilton Garden Inn. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office responded. The subject was issued a No Trespass Order. The subject was in possession of suspected marijuana and a firearm. Charges are pending.
10/27/2023 5:13 AM Campus Police located a non-affiliated subject sleeping on the north side of the Classic Car Museum. The subject was found to be in possession of suspected drug paraphernalia. The subject was issued a No Trespass Order and left the area.
11/10/2023 1:51 PM Campus Police discovered writing in paint located on the ground, on the east side of the overpass. A work order was completed to have the paint removed.
11/13/2023 11:29 AM Campus Police received a text alert of a physical altercation on Bay Shore Rd. Investigation revealed that a NCF Faculty member and non-affiliate were involved. Both subjects were issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) for Breach of Peace/Disorderly Conduct.
11/13/2023 10:10 PM Campus Police observed words painted on the ground of the cement deck near the water behind College Hall.
11/15/2023 7:00 AM Campus Police discovered property damage on the overpass. The matter was documented and a work order was submitted
11/16/2023 4:13 PM Campus Police discovered writing in black marker and chalk on the 3rd floor common area of Z Residence Hall. A work order was completed.
11/17/2023 10:24 PM Campus Police located graffiti in the area of the Z Amphitheatre. A work order was submitted.
11/28/2023 11:12 PM Campus Police discovered graffiti in the area of the overpass.
03/04/22, 1:35 AM: Campus Police received a report from an NCF student of a sexual battery that occurred on-campus February 26th involving a non-affiliate known to her.
05/24/22, 4:58 AM: Campus Police received a report from an NCF student. The student stated that several personal items were stolen from her dorm room in Z Residence Hall.
06/15/2022 2:19 PM: Campus Police received a report of theft from a NCF staff member. The subject stated that a golf cart owned by NCF was stolen from an on campus location.
07/14/2022 6:40 AM: Campus Police received a report of a suspicious person on the overpass. The non-affiliated subject was located and taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance and causing property damage. The subject was issued a No Trespass Order and transported to the Sarasota County Jail.
10/05/2022 1:39 AM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a sexual battery that ocurred on the NCF campus.
10/10/2022 2:43 PM: Campus Police received a report from two NCF students regarding a battery that occurred on campus. Student Affairs staff was present with the two victims and the Victim Advocate was contacted. The victims signed a decline to prosecute waiver.
10/14/2022 12:19 AM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student regarding concerning text messages sent by another NCF student. Investigation revealed a domestic battery occurred between a NCF student and a non-affiliate partner. The non-affiliate subject was arrested for Domestic Battery by strangulation and transported to the Sarasota County Jail.
10/21/22 1:35 PM: Campus Police received a report from an NCF parent of a theft of a bicycle near PEI 3rd Court. The bicycle belongs to an NCF student. The bicycle was not registered with Campus Police and the serial number could not be provided.
11/01/22 10:35 AM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF Student of a sexual battery that occurred on the NCF Campus.
11/07/22 8:46AM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a bicycle theft at Y Residence Hall.
11/15/22 12:58 PM: Campus Police received a report from a NCF student of a bicycle theft from Y Residence Hall.
12/13/22 3:14 AM: Campus Police observed a bike locked in the area of the ACE building that was missing its front and rear wheels. The wheels had been removed by an individual on 12/11/2022.
03/25/21, 4:08: Campus Police discovered a non-affiliate passed out behind the wheel of a vehicle by the entrance to PHS. The subject was arrested for Possession of a Controlled Substance without a Prescription, Possession of Paraphernalia and operating on a revoked license.
06/18/21, 4:19 PM: Campus Police received a report from NCF Title IX of a sexual assault occurring in 2019 involving two students. The victim does not want to identify or report the matter to the police.
08/25/21, 4:13 AM: Campus Police received a report from an NCF student residing in Dort Residence Hall that an unknown subject entered their room and made inappropriate contact. The subject was confronted and left the area. The area was checked by Campus Police and SRQ Airport Police with negative results. The matter remains under active investigation and a notification was sent out to NCF and the local community.
- 10/07/20, 9:44 AM: Campus Police received a sexual assault report from a former NCF student for incidents that occurred between 2003 and 2006.
- 04/30/20, 3:12 PM: Campus Police received a report from USF Sarasota-Manatee campus facilities of an outside door to a storage area that had been pried open.
04/29/19, 10:00 PM: Campus Police received a report of the stalking of an NCF student by an NCF alumni.
Clery Annual Security and Fire Report (ASR)
The Clery Reports reflect the crimes reported for the New College of Florida. They identify the four locations where the crimes occurred. The locations are identified as: on-campus, either in residential or nonresidential areas of the campus, noncampus building or property, which are the buildings or property owned or controlled by the New College of Florida and are used by students but not in the geographic area of the campus, or public property, which is property contiguous to the campus.
Disclaimer: This website is the publication of the Campus Police Department. Every attempt is made to ensure the content’s accuracy and to keep the information up-to-date. However, the Department makes no warranty, guarantee, or promise, expressed or implied, concerning the content of the documents. If you would like to request a final confirmation on the accuracy of a particular page, please contact the originating agency authoring the documents. If you believe any information to be inaccurate, please contact this agency.
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report / 2024 Safety Guide (PDF)
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report / 2023 Safety Guide (PDF)
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report / 2022 Safety Guide (PDF)
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report / 2021 Safety Guide (PDF)
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report / 2020-2021 Safety Guide (PDF)
- Annual Security and Fire Safety Report / 2019-2020 Safety Guide (PDF)
Campus Police Monthly Activity Reports
- January 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- February 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- March 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- April 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- May 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- June 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- July 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- August 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- September 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- October 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- November 2021 Monthly Activity Report
- January 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- February 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- March 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- April 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- May 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- June 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- July 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- August 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- September 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- October 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- November 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- December 2020 Monthly Activity Report
- January 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- February 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- March 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- April 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- May 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- June 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- July 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- August 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- September 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- October 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- November 2019 Monthly Activity Report
- December 2019 Monthly Activity Report
Campus Crime Map
This is a map of campus crime for New College of Florida (NCF) and the University of South Florida Sarasota –Manatee campus. This map shows crimes that occurred on campus property and also those that are reportable under the Jeanne Clery Crime Act, also known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. These crimes may not be on actual NCF or USF Sarasota-Manatee campus property, but meet the requirements for reporting under this act.
Please click on the icons for more information. The Campus Police case number, type of crime, and location are shown. The map can also be made full page and moved around by using the Google functions.
We have tried to make sure everything on this map is accurate. If errors are located they will be corrected as soon as possible. Also, this map is not updated on a daily basis so there may be a short delay before the map is updated. A Crime Log is located online and available for inspection 24/7 at the Campus Police Building, 501 College Drive, Sarasota, FL 34243.
Historical data can be found by clicking on the drop down menu located on the upper left hand corner of the crime map. Select a layer(s) to view the data.
If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Police at 941-487-4210.