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New College of Florida
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Sports Medicine

About Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine is a set of services that focuses on the well-being of athletes and students who engage in physical activities. Sports medicine provides Athletic Training with certified Athletic Trainers to provide assessment, treatment, and referrals for sports related injuries. Our Athletic Trainers are contracted through Premiere Sports Medicine. 

Sports medicine also provides mental well-being and performance through our Counseling Services. This service focuses on the wellness and balance of athletes by providing evidence- based practices to help their performance. 

Athletics Pre-Participation Form and Requirements to Play

For students who are trying out or participating in New College of Florida Athletics Sports Teams, all students must complete the pre-participation form and requirements to play 

All athletes must complete an Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) within 6 months of playing the sport and have the referring physician/nurse practitioner provide a statement that clears the athlete to play sports with no restrictions. If any restrictions are identified, documentation must be provided to the athletic trainers to determine full eligibility. All athletes are required to have their own health insurance to try out or play. New College has purchased a secondary and catastrophic insurance policy that can off-set the cost of medical services at times an athlete is in need. 

Athletics pre-participation form

Contact Us

Phone Number


Counseling and Wellness Center, Building 120

Working Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.