Through the NCF Transform program, students who attend a partner college are guaranteed admission to New College after completion of an associate in arts (or associate in science, in some instances) degree. New College has articulation agreements with colleges statewide.

Florida State Colleges
DSC A.A. Graduates who complete their degree within eight (8) semesters of entering DSC as a non-high school student, or within one year of finishing high school if dual enrolled, with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA are guaranteed admission to NCF. Students are expected to have adhered substantially to one of the associated Academic Pathways.
HCC A.A. Graduates who complete their degree within eight (8) semesters of entering HCC as a non-high school student, with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA are guaranteed admission to NCF. Students are expected to have adhered substantially to one of the associated Academic Pathways.
SCF A.A. Graduates who complete their degree within two and one half (2.5) years of entering SCF as a non-high school student, with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA are guaranteed admission to NCF. Students are expected to have adhered substantially to one of the associated Academic Pathways.