National Search Begins for New College Vice President for Advancement

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A national search is now underway for New College of Florida’s vice president for advancement. The same individual will also be the executive director of the New College Foundation.
A small search committee chaired by Felice Schulaner, New College trustee and chair of the New College Foundation Board of Directors, considered proposals from six search firms that responded to New College’s request for proposals to guide this national search. The search committee also includes Bill Johnston, chair of the New College of Florida Board of Trustees, and John Martin, New College’s vice president for finance and administration.
Two firms were shortlisted and interviewed by the search committee via teleconference on November 19, 2012. Archer~Martin Associates, Inc. of Nantucket, Mass., was selected to guide the search. Archer~Martin is the same firm that led the New College presidential search last year. The new vice president for advancement will be hired by July 1, 2013.
The New College Foundation provides the necessary private funding to enable New College to deliver an outstanding liberal arts and sciences education to high-achieving undergraduates from Florida and elsewhere. Through outright gifts and deferred giving, the New College Foundation raises critical funds for scholarships, faculty positions, academic programs, facilities, student and faculty research and travel, and endowments, with more than $100 million in public and private funds raised since 1980.