New College Named Among Nation’s Top Producers of Fulbright Award Recipients

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New College of Florida was named one of the nation’s top producers of Fulbright award recipients by The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The Fulbright Program, administered by the U.S. Department of State, is the country’s premier international educational exchange program. About 1,500 American students receive Fulbright grants each year.
The Chronicle’s recognition confirms New College’s long track record of success with the Fulbright program. New College has produced 70 Fulbright recipients since its founding, including 58 since 2002. The College has had more Fulbright winners per capita than almost any other U.S. institution of higher education.
In 2013, New College had six Fulbright recipients; two received Fulbright research grants and four received Fulbright English teaching assistantships. With six recipients out of 22 applicants, New College’s success rate exceeded that of most institutions on The Chronicle’s list of top producers.
The Fulbright program was created in 1946 by then-Sen. J. William Fulbright, who later became chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and was known for his support of the United Nations and opposition to the Vietnamese War. The program has allowed about 325,000 people from the United States and abroad to research, teach and work toward solutions to international concerns.
The list of top Fulbright-producing institutions appears in the Oct, 28 issue of the Chronicle, available online at this link.