President of Boston Fed to Speak at New College

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Eric Rosengren, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, will discuss the nation’s economic outlook as part of the New Topics New College lecture series.
Rosengren’s talk will be at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, in the Mildred Sainer Pavilion at New College of Florida. The talk is sponsored by the Global Interdependence Center.
Rosengren has written extensively on macroeconomics, international banking, bank supervision and risk management; including articles in leading economics and finance journals. Much of his recent research has focused on how problems in the financial sector impact the real economy.
Sainer Pavilion is on New College’s Caples Campus, directly south of the Ringling Museum, at 5313 Bay Shore Road. Admission is $20 for the public, or free to New College students, faculty and staff. Reserve seats online at or call 941-487-4888.