Parkland survivors urge Sarasota students to vote
As Ringling College of Art and Design students made their way on Tuesday morning across the campus’ crosswalk that serves as a sort of central thoroughfare, they looked up from their cell phones or conversations with their friends to see someone who could have been a fellow student urging them to vote.
His white shirt was emblazoned with an image that looked simply like the American flag but doubled as a QR code that would lead students directly to a voter registration site once they scanned the image with their cell phones. In some cases, he asked them if they had voted or if they planned to vote. It wasn’t his first time urging students to get out the vote and it certainly wasn’t his largest audience. This was David Hogg, a survivor of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and one of the movement’s most vocal and public activists.
Read more here.