Student job-seekers can look to their peers for help

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Students needing help in finding their next job or starting a career will soon be able to work with another student — a career mentor — to get things rolling.
The Center for Career Engagement and Opportunity is looking for two students to fill that role.
“We’re looking for that peer-to-peer interaction,” explained Maddie Heath, the CEO’s assistant director for career technology and outreach. After students meet with the CEO’s professional staff, a student mentor will step in. “They’ll be helping students after the career counseling sessions,” Heath said. “They’ll be helping with resume review, helping them get set up in Handshake (the CEO’s online career management tool).”
The CEO is looking to hire two mentors, who will also be speaking to student groups, creating new presentations, and completing projects with CEO staff members. They’ll also be facilitating workshops on topics such as networking, career readiness competencies, fellowships, and internships.
“One of the biggest things we want them to see is that students can have an impact on other students. They can be our advocates. We’ll want them to help get students excited about opportunities,” Heath said.
Student mentors will need to have completed at least one year (two successful contracts) at New College. They must be comfortable learning career-related information and presenting it to groups of students, and must be available at least five hours a week.
“We also want students to have a professional demeanor to model for others as a career mentor and student leader,” Heath said.
Interested student can apply online through Handshake at