Dr. Wendy Sutherland

Professor of German & Black European and Diaspora Studies


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German Language & Literature | Literature | Humanities


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
M.A., Middlebury College
B.A. Smith College

Professor Sutherland teaches Intermediate German, German Conversation, a variety of Advanced German theme-based courses dealing with history, culture, and current events of Germany. She incorporates the study of Berlin history, architecture, and cityscape into Intermediate German II and in an Advanced German course focused solely on this topic. In connection with this, Professor Sutherland has conducted two ISPs (Independent Study Projects) with New College students in Berlin. She also teaches eighteenth-century German literature courses on drama and narrative taught in English. Professor Sutherland’s research focuses on the depiction of the Black in eighteenth-century German bourgeois drama and eighteenth-century German connection to the transatlantic slave trade. Her publications deal with race in eighteenth-century German drama.

Recent Courses

Women and Seduction in 18th- and Early 19th-Century German Bourgeois Drama
Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Age of Goethe
Snow White in Text and Film
Intermediate German
Advanced German: (see below)
Grimms Fairy Tales and Defa Film Adaptations
Integration, Cultural Clash, and the New Germany
Turks in Germany
Berlin History, Architecture, and Cityscape
The New Germany
Berlin and the New Germany

Selected Publications

Sutherland, W. H. (2002). Staging Blackness and Performing Whiteness in Eighteenth-Century German Dramaa study of race, aesthetics and the black female in two Eighteenth Century German dramas, Ernst Lorenz Rathlef’s Die Mohrinn zu Hamburg (1775) and Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegler’s Die Mohrinn (1801)  Get a 20 percent off coupon.

“Schwarze, Schwarze Deutsche” In: Rassismus auf gut Deutsch: Ein kritisches Nachschlagewerk zu rassistischen Sprachhandlungen ed.Adibeli Nduka-Agwu and Antje Lann Hornscheidt. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes & Apsel, 2010. 85-90.

“Reading in the Dark? Racial Hierarchy and Miscegenation in Heinrich von Kleist’s ‘Die Verlobung in San Domingo’ (1811)” In: Echoes of the Haitian Revolution 1804-2004 ed. Martin Munro and Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, 2008. 86-94.

Black Skin, White Skin and the Aesthetics of the Female Body in Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegler’s Die Mohrinn In: Colors 1800/1900/2000: Signs of Ethnic Difference ed. Birgit Tautz Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004. 67-82.

Staging Blackness: Race, Aesthetics, and the Black Female in Two Eighteenth-Century German Dramas: Ernst Lorenz Rathlef’s Die Mohrinn zu Hamburg (1775) and Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegler’s Die Mohrinn (1801) 2002.