Anthony Andrews

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology


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Social Science 102


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M.A., Ph.D. University of Arizona
B.A., Harvard University

Professor Andrews is a widely published Maya archaeologist and enthnohistorian who has done extensive field work in Mexico and Central America. In addition to archaeology and physical anthropology, he supervises studies in ecological anthropology, Latin American ethnography, ethnohistory, and urban anthropology. He is author and co-author of several books and monographs in both English and Spanish.

Selected Publications

  • 2014 Historia General de Yucatán. Tomo I. La Civilización Maya Yucateca (3rd editor & author, with Sergio Quezada and Fernando Robles). Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida.
  • 2006 Reconstructing the Past. Studies in Mesoamerican and Central American Prehistory (2nd editor & author, with David M. Pendergast). British Archaeological Reports International Series S1529. Oxford [Festschrift for Hal C. Ball].
  • 1995 First Cities. St. Remy Press, Montreal // Smithsonian Books, Washington, D.C.
  • 1986 Excavaciones Arqueológicas en El Meco, Quintana Roo (editor & author, with Fernando Robles Castellanos). Colección Científica, No. 158. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.
  • 1985 Arqueología Histórica en el Area Maya (2nd editor & author, with Antonio Benavides Castillo). Revista Mexicana de Estudios Antropológicos, Vol. XXXI. Sociedad Mexicana de Antropología, Mexico.
  • 1983 Ancient Maya Salt Production and Trade. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
  • 1979 Ecab. Poblado y Provincia del Siglo XVI en Yucatán (2nd author with Antonio Benavides Castillo). Cuadernos de los Centros Regionales. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico.
  • 1975 A Preliminary Study of the Ruins of Xcaret, Quintana Roo, Mexico. With notes on other archaeological remains on the central east coast of the Yucatan peninsula (2nd author with E. Wyllys Andrews IV). Middle American Research Institute, Publ. 40. Tulane University, New Orleans.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
  • 2020 Ancient Maya Ports, Port Facilities, and Navigation. In The Ancient Maya World (Scott Hutson and Traci Ardren, eds.): Chapter 15: 269-86. Routledge, New York.
  • 2020 (2nd author, with Fernando Robles Castellanos and Rubén Chuc Aguilar). An Intracoastal Waterway and Trading Port System in Prehispanic Northwest Yucatán, Mexico. in The Real Business of Ancient Maya Economies: From Farmers’ Fields to Rulers’ Realms (Marilyn Masson, David Freidel, and Arthur Demarest, eds.): Chapter 21: 368-86. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
  • 2019 European Technology and Native Traditions in Mesoamerican History: A Commentary. In Technology and Tradition after the Spanish Invasion (Rani Alexander, ed.). Chapter 12: 207-12. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
  • 2018 The Paleo-American and Archaic Periods in Yucatán. In Pathways to Complexity in the Maya Lowlands (George Bey and Kathryn Brown, eds.), Chapter 2: 16-34. University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
  • 2018 (3rd author, with David Anderson and Fernando Robles Castellanos) The Preclassic Settlement of Northwest Yucatán. In Pathways to Complexity in the Maya Lowlands (George Bey and Kathryn Brown, eds.), Chapter 8: 195-222. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.
  • 2018 (2nd author, with Fernando Robles Castellanos) La civilización maya en el norte de Yucatán. Enciclopedia Yucatanense (Actualización 2) (Faulo Sánchez Novelo and Enrique Martín Briceño, coords.). Vol. 2, Capítulo 1: 32-91. Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán, Mérida.
  • 2018 (2nd author, with Fernando Robles Castellanos) U kampeéts’ el. Le maayáaj ka’anakaaj te’ tu xaman lu’umil yucatáno’. (Translation of above into Maya). Enciclopedia Yucatanense (Actualización 2) (Faulo Sánchez Novelo and Enrique Martín Briceño, coords.). Vol. 6, Capítulo 4: 140-219. Gobierno del Estado de Yucatán, Mérida.
  • 2018 (2nd author, with Fernando Robles Castellanos) El escenario geográfico: La región noroeste de Yucatán. In Kinchil. Salvamento arqueológico en Granjas Kekén, noroeste de Yucatán (Alicia Núñez Turriza, coordinación): 13-35. Libro de Piedra Editores, Mérida.
  • 2017 Foreword. In Ancient Maya Commerce: Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil (Scott R. Hutson, ed.): XV-XVIII. University of Colorado Press, Boulder.
  • 2016 (with Fernando Robles) El complejo portuario prehispánico de Progreso, Yucatán. In Los Mayas del Norte de Yucatán (Angel Góngora, ed.): 27-39. Centro INAH Yucatán, Mérida.
  • 2014 Los primeros pobladores (with Fernando Robles). In Historia General de Yucatán. Tomo I. La Civilización Maya Yucateca (S. Quezada, F. Robles, y A.P. Andrews, eds.): 44-61. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida.
  • 2014 Organización política, economía, y comercio durante el período Posclásico. In Historia General de Yucatán. Tomo I. La Civilización Maya Yucateca (S. Quezada, F. Robles, y A.P. Andrews, eds.): 375-87. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida.
  • 2012 (with Rafael Burgos and Luis Millet). The Henequen Ports of Yucatan’s Gilded Age. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 16 (1): 25-46.
  • 2010 Travelers in the Night:  A Discussion of the Archaeological Visibility of Trade Enclaves, Ethnicity, and Ideology.  In Astronomers, Scribes, and Priests:  Intellectual Interchange between the  Northern Maya Lowlands and Highland Mexico in the Late Postclassic Period (Gabrielle Vail and Christine Hernández, eds.): 369-81.  Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.
  • 2008 Facilidades portuarias mayas. In El Territorio Maya. Memoria de la Quinta Mesa Redonda de Palenque (Palenque 2004) (Rodrigo Liendo Stuardo, coord.): 14-40. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México.
  • 2008 Memories, Meanings, and Historical Awareness: Post-Abandonment Behaviors among the Lowland Maya (with Marcello Canuto). In Ruins of the Past: The Use and Perception of Abandoned Structures in the Maya (Travis W. Stanton and Aline Magnoni, eds.): 257-73. University of Colorado Press, Boulder.
  • 2006 The Historic Port of El Real de Salinas in Campeche, and the Role of Coastal Resources in the Emergence of Capitalism in Yucatán, México (with Rafael Burgos and Luis Millet). International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 10 (2): 179-205.
  • 2003 The Northern Maya Collapse and its Aftermath (with E. Wyllys Andrews V and Fernando Robles). Ancient Mesoamerica, 14 (1): 151-56.
  • 2002 El antiguo puerto maya de Conil. Estudios de Cultura Maya, XXII: 135-49. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.
  • 1995 A Brief History of Underwater Archaeology in the Maya Area (with Robert Corletta). Ancient Mesoamerica, 6 (2): 101-17.
  • 1993 Late Postclassic Lowland Maya Archaeology. Journal of World Prehistory, 7 (1): 35-69.
  • 1991 The Rural Chapels and Churches of Early Colonial Yucatán and Belize: An Archaeological Perspective. In Columbian Consequences, Vol. III. The Spanish Borderlands in Pan-American Perspective (David H. Thomas, ed.): 355-74. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
  • 1991 America’s Ancient Mariners. Natural History, 100 (10; Oct.): 72-75.
  • 1991 Las salinas de El Salvador: bosquejo histórico, etnográfico y arqueológico. Mesoamerica, 21: 71-93.
  • 1990 The Fall of Chichén Itzá: A Preliminary Hypothesis. Latin American Antiquity, 1 (3): 258-67.
  • 1988 Isla Cerritos: An Itzá Trading Port on the North Coast of Yucatán (with T. Gallareta, F. Robles, R. Cobos, and P. Cervera). National Geographic Research, 4 (2): 196-207.
  • 1986 A Review and Synthesis of Recent Postclassic Archaeology in Northern Yucatan (with Fernando Robles). In Late Lowland Maya Civilization: Classic to Postclassic (J.A. Sabloff and E.W. Andrews V, eds.): 53-98. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.
  • 1981 Historical Archaeology in Yucatan: A Preliminary Framework. Historical Archaeology, 15 (1): 1-18.
  • 1974 The U-shaped Structures of Chan Chan, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology, I (3-4): 241-64.