When: Friday, June 16, 2023 9:00am – noon
Where: https://ncf.zoom.us/j/99260857162?pwd=dWpyM1hTYWgwMmkwUE45ays1ZmdFUT09
Passcode: 807759
Or One tap mobile : +13052241968,,99260857162# US +16465588656,,99260857162# US (New York) Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): +1 305 224 1968 US Webinar ID: 992 6085 7162 International numbers available: https://ncf.zoom.us/u/aAV9aflv0 Public Comment Information: A request to speak during the public comment portion of meeting must be submitted to the Foundation email in writing no later than two days (forty-eight hours) in advance of the full board meeting scheduled. Speakers must specify the matter on which they wish to speak. The Foundation will determine whether the item will be heard and when it will be heard. The Board may decline to hear any matter determined not to relate to a particular action item or deemed outside the Board’s jurisdiction. There will be a 3 minute time limit; however, this time limit may be extended or shortened (at the discretion of the Chair) depending upon the number of speakers. Notify [email protected] to submit a Request for Public Comment.