Remembering Nan Freeman more than five decades after the young Jewish woman gave her life for farm workers

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- by Jocelyn Sherman


At 3:15 a.m. on Jan. 25, 1972, Nan Freeman, 18, a native of Wakefield, Massachusetts and a student at New College in Sarasota, Florida, was picketing with striking farm workers at the Talisman Sugar Plant on U.S. Hwy. 27, about 20 miles north of Belle Glade, Florida. Nan and four fellow students responded to appeals for help from the strikers who were two weeks into their walkout. Nan and her friend, Pam Albright, were doing volunteer work for the UFW on campus. Pickets had complained to police about scab drivers speeding by the picket lines through stop signs at the plant gates to splash rain and mud on the workers.

Read the amazing story here.